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No Wires, More Smile

Why seek treatment through a dental professional?

Orthodontic treatments require professional supervision. Additional dental procedures (below) may be required, which only your dentist is able to provide.

IPR (Interproximal Reduction)

Buttons (Attachments)

Dental Check-ups (Oral Health)

IPR (Interproximal Reduction):

A regular orthodontic procedure where a small amount of tooth surface between teeth is polished to create space. This can fix crowding or alter the shape of teeth. It is mainly used to stop patients from having an edge to edge bite.

Buttons (Composite Attachments):

Small amounts of composite are bonded to teeth to give the clear aligners force or traction. This allows the aligner to rotate and move teeth more actively.

Pricing to make you smile

Changing the game

Historically, pricing for aligner therapy meant most people couldn’t afford it, but thankfully to our provider network, advancements in technology and business efficiencies, it allows us to be a lot more affordable than the other guys

Active Aligners start from $ 2200 up to $ 2900 for more complex cases, straightening most smiles in an average of 6 months.

These prices exclude any necessary dental work that may be required by your provider to get your smile Active Aligner journey ready. 


Price Range: +-

USD: $ 2200 – $ 2900


Price Range: +- 

Euro: € 1980 – € 2600


Price Range: +-

Pound: £ 1700 – £ 2200

How do Active Aligners work?

Clear aligners work on basic orthodontic principles. They apply precise and specific forces to move individual teeth in their desired directions.

Gradually, a smile is straightened stage by stage, aligner by aligner, until the desired outcome is reached.  

With an average treatment of 6 months to a new confident smile, it’s no wonder why more and more people are turning to Active Aligners as their clear choice for clear braces.

Active Aligners before and after

Before and after results, slide the bar left to right to see both upper and lower arch before and after. 

Ready – Set – Smile
Find an Active Aligner Provider

Active Aligners made unlike any other

Not all aligners are created equal. With our meticulous attention to detail, we combine the latest technology with expert treatment planning and are constantly pioneering and researching to produce world class Active Aligners.

We are slowly establishing ourselves as a leading brand in producing Active Aligners at an affordable cost with no compromises in quality.

For more in-depth information on the Active Aligner difference, see our manufacturing process and what sets us apart below.

Love your smile

A smile changes a lot more than just an appearance, it has the ability to transform confidence levels and well being.

It’s why we take making Active Aligners so seriously. They’re designed to be predictable, effective, comfortable, removable and clear.

clear braces the modern approach to straight teeth with active aligners
find and active aligner provider

Find a trusted provider

If your primary dentist or orthodontist doesn’t offer Active Aligners ask them to sign up today. You can also find a trusted provider who does.

Treatments require professional supervision as orthodontic or dental procedures may be required occasionally which only your provider is able to perform. Treatments without a professional visitation can prove to be risky and not generate satisfactory smile outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions